Heavenly Purple

Fall in love with this lavender bouquet and its luscious mix of texture and fragrance. A heavenly purple bouquet! Lavender lilacs, roses and stock contrast beautifully with blue stems of popcorn hydrangea.

99 Peach Roses

An amazing abundant bouquet created out of 99 peach colored roses with a ring of baby’s breath surrounding the roses.

Blue for the Bridesmaid

A classic but a beauty, the pastel blue hydrangea is always a wonderful choice. Designed by Yellow Canary Flowers and Event Design comes this gorgeous blue hydrangea bridesmaid bouquet .

A Tear in Blue and White

Created by Dream Designs Florist is this spectacular teardrop shaped bouquet in blue and white made up of white roses and blue sweet peas (I could be wrong about this flower, if I am please correct me in the comments section below).  

Pastels Pinks to Yellow

Gorgeous warm toned bouquet made with roses and peonies in pink, pastel orange and pastel yellow. A totally enchanting wedding bouquet fit for a fairytale wedding! I felt my heart stop when I saw this bouquet it just incorporates all the elements that I love to …