In Roses and Orange

From Kavelle Flowers we have this luxurious and full round bouquet of orange roses. I love how some of the roses have that more salmon pink hue to them, adds a lot of texture to this gorgeous bouquet.

Kate’s Royal Bouquet

All the flowers the couple selected for the wedding were chosen with reference to the “language of flowers”, a floral code made popular by Queen Victoria. Kate also kept with the Royal tradition of having sprigs of Myrtle from the Myrtle planted by Queen Victoria …

A Real Violet Bouquet

Didi had a bouquet created out of real violets for her wedding day. The effect of this bouquet with her vintage style dress is absolutely stunning! I am a really big fan of violets, they are the most amazing flowers! Check out her blog for …

Violets and Pansies

A small hand tied nosegay bouquet for the demure bride with little flowers from Martha Stewart Weddings: For a bride who has chosen a dress with a simple style, a petite bundle of blooms makes a lovely accessory. Here, velvety violets and pansies edged with …

Pansies and Butterflies

Hand Made by Meda created this wonderfully stunning bouquet using pansies she hand grew herself combined with the little white elegant Lily of the Valley for a truly unique and wonderful springtime bouquet. I raised the pansies myself from seeds in my garden. I love …